
! Viewing Distance

Drawing is Marc Bauer’s central means of expression. Born in 1975 in Geneva and currently residing in Berlin, the artist has made a name forhimself in the course of numerous group exhibitions featuring his thematically connected series of dense pencil drawings. Some are small- format, and in others the artist renders his motifs in wall-filling dimensions. The strokes in Bauer’s drawings demonstrate a rare and compelling forcefulness, conveying an attitude of urgency and immediacy that goes beyond traditional gestural expression. In his choice of content, he provides unusual glimpses of daily life and history...

! Kiss this

! Kiss this

This is a bizarre world...but attract exceptionally...


! war

! war

We gain freedom when we have paid the full price for our right to live.



what an amazing opera for beggars!

‎2 days ago, i watched a german opera named "THREE PENNY OPERA".
this opera is about money, survival and moral ...
the world often say: money is not everything, but money is totally unacceptable.
there is some truth in these words,
because no one can deny that we live in today's society, almost everything is about money,
no money to do a⋯⋯ lot of things that are difficult to resolve.



It is very difficult to describe how much i like this opera,
especially the ironically humorous style and Androgynous singing tune...

This is another opera by Robert Wilson --
“Shakespeares Sonette - Sonett 66”.

Shakespeare's sonnets are 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that
deal with such themes as the passage ⋯⋯
of time, love, beauty and mortality.


15 - Jealousy Duet.wmv

“What is this?”

If you know in advance what you are going to do, then don’t do it. However, I never know what will happen tomorrow, so that I cannot too deeply believe in something. When i choose to do something or not to do, the motives are simple. Sometimes, you should keep open mind, constantly pay attention on things around you and question them. “What is this?” and you should know them with your experience. You do not experience anything directly in your mind, but always with your body. In fact, the body seems to move faster than we can think and we often do not recognize these gestures and movements. Therefore, you may know the value of your choice after you completed something. So, I prefer to obtain the Surprise with action.


! Young me, now me

! Young me, now me

We are in the middle of time, always be yourself, and always be the new self.


another me!

media: water color
size: B4
time: 2 hours

Robert Clergerie visit HongKong!

Shoe maestro Robert Clergerie is someone with innovative ideas and is reputed for turning what would otherwise have been purely traditional men’s Oxfords into trendy women’s footwear. And while fashion fads come and go, the French designer’s Oxford Lace-Ups are classics that stand the test of time and remain a fashion mainstay even today.

Clergerie made his first foray into the shoe-making business when he joined the Charles Jourdan group in 1970 and worked closely with Roland Jourdan. In 1981, he then set out on his own and founded his eponymous label, dedicated to creating quality crafted women’s shoes. The Parisian brand has boutiques all over the world, from places like London and Madrid to Tokyo and New York.

my fashion illustration

putting aside the brush for a long time and now feel a little bit strange...
this fashion illustration is my new start... to paint better!
media: water color
size: B4
time: 3 hours


! Soft architecture

! Soft architecture

Can we dress the hard metal?
How to make a soft cloth to be strong?
Isn't a man must to wear like a man?
Women can actually be a gentleman!


Once is a 2006 Irish musical film written and directed by John Carney.
Set in Dublin, this naturalistic drama stars musicians Glen Hansard (of popular Irish rock band The Frames) and Markéta Irglová as struggling musicians. Collaborators prior to making the film, Hansard and Irglová composed and performed all of the original songs in the movie.

Shot for only €130,000 (US$160,000), the film was successful, earning substantial per-screen box office averages in the United States. It received enthusiastic reviews and awards such as the 2007 Independent Spirit Award for best foreign film.
Hansard and Irglová's song "Falling Slowly" received a 2007 Academy Award for Best Original Song and the soundtrack as a whole also received a Grammy nomination.

The film is about a pair of frustration in the life of the strange men and women, in an unexpected encounter, and found they both share a common love for music, then whom recorded a music album together. in this process, each body in the other direction and courage to find life, and then to find their own dream of such a story.