
! Andy Warhol : i am a deeply superficial person!

I am a deeply superficial person!  It is a very very interesting statement of the truly avant garde artist, Andy Warhol that i saw in the exhibition  "ANDY WARHOL- 15 MINUTES ETERNAL" in Hong Kong Museum of Art.
No doubt, the best selling is the best art. so… Andy just like a machine-copy, copy, copy … but, so what! Andy’s works as a small talk, is telling us the fact: we all doing same things in our daily life and No one special is. Many of his works i know are reflect man’s feeling in modern world - boring, helpless, confusion and emptiness. Everyone can get the meaning of his art works easily-through the bold use of colors and daily themes -cow is cow, beauty is beauty, campbell’s soup is campbell’s soup… no another meaning under the surface.
I also desire to be such a deeply superficial person! Ha…

