
! Pina Bausch: Dance Theatre

5 hours ago, i watched "Carnations ( Nelken)" which is a dance theatre by pina bausch.

Pina Bausch is not only an internationally renowned choreographer, her name stands for a whole genre. For thirtyfive years now, dance theatre in the wuppertal mould has been captivating both dance audiences and the wider public alike.

"I am not interested in how people move, but in what moves them,"

Pina Bausch once said, and this much repeated phrase has become a motto for her work. Pina's dance theatre performances are about human beings and how they relate within society, about the experiences - above all those of the body - accumulated since childhood. her pieces examine the traces these experiences have left in the psyche and in the body, revolving around the subjects of love and happiness, desire and loss, memory, dream and reality.

Carnation (Nelken),marks a key change in her work. The stage shows a magnificent sea of flowers, with thousands of carnations inserted into the groud, creating a sense of tranquil gaiety. All begin with a vioce :
"The world is beautiful when happiness tells you a tale."Then, on stage a dancer translates George Gershwin's song The Man I Love into sign language.It invokes the dream of simple pleasure in a happy twosome, of loving and being loved, of faithfulness, of a little love nest for eternity.

 Pina's work creates driven, moving images of inner landscapes, exploring the precise state of human feelings while never giving up hope that the longing for love can one day be met.

    - "Pina Bausch: Dance Theatre" : it is talking about some interview with pina and her works. it is HKD380

    -Before the opening, you can see the sea of flowers on the stage. Amazing!!

