
! Yohji Yamanoto: Talking to myself

Yohji Yamamoto – Talking to myself
Yohji Yamamoto – Talking to myself

Yohji Yamamoto – Talking to myself

Yohji Yamamoto – Talking to myself

This man
He thirsts for what?
He gazes at what?
He has been struggling against what?

"Generally speaking, i am not interested in the future and don't believe in it. First, i guess it is true that i don't trust the future, but, more to the point, i don't even trust the "myself" of tomorrow. nor, for that matter, of the  day after. Basically, all i know, and all i am capable of understanding, is the "me" that is here, now, the "me" that has dragged his past with him to this point. So, to borrow a nest turn of phrase, you could say that people in the present are standing in a window on the past and on the future; you might say that they live their lives balancing themselves between these two sides. But, in my case, i want to get old quickly. i want to get it all over and done with. For me, all that exists ahead are endings; i have no conception of a future in which something might begin."

“For some reason, I am moved by the female form, as seen from the side, or diagonally from behind. Like a feeling of waiting to chase after and restrain something that passes by, or passes through. You could call it a feeling of “missing” something. A lingering scent is the same. A kind of feeling of longing for something. There is always an adoration for women in me which resembles the temptation I have for things that have passed me by. And so I can only see a woman as someone who passes by, a person who disappears. Therefore the “Back” is important to me. I think clothes should be made from the back, and not the front. The back supports the clothes, and so if it is not properly made, the front cannot exist.

Yamamoto, Yohji, Kiyokazu Washida, and Carla Sozzani. Talking to Myself. [Tokyo]: Steidi Verlag, 2002. Print.

